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Amazing Clitoral Facts

April 04, 2018
You know that tiny feel-good button between a woman’s legs? That’s the clitoris and, speaking figuratively, it’s anything but tiny. In fact, it’s a powerful organ of s*xual pleasure that comes complete with a surprising number of fun facts. You’ll be surprised by how much this tiny organ’s got going on under the hood. Here’s a list of our top picks.
It’s Exquisitely Sensitive
The clitoris contains at least 8,000 sensory nerve endings. To put that into perspective, the penis has about 4,000. That makes this tiny area the most sensitive part of a woman’s erogenous zone. And while the clitoris is quite small, its powerful sensations can spread across a woman’s pelvic area by affecting 15,000 other nerve endings.
It’s Bigger Than You Think
Did you know that Marie Bonaparte—great-grandniece to the Napoleon Bonaparte— had her clitoris surgically moved? Not removed (thank goodness), but moved. Closer to her v*gina, that is. The reason was simple. Like many women, she couldn’t orgasm from vaginal s*x. At the time there was—and still is—evidence that if the space between the clitoris and v*ginal opening is less than an inch, a woman is more likely to be able to orgasm through penetrative s*x alone.
The sad part, for Bonaparte at least, is that the surgery didn’t work.
Here’s what she didn’t know: Only one quarter of the clitoris is visible. The rest of it is inside the body, which means this organ can’t really be picked up and moved. The clitoris is made up of many different parts, including the clitoral head, the hood the clitoral shaft, the urethral sponge, erectile tissue, glands, vestibular bulbs and the crura (or the clitoral legs). Only the clitoral head and the hood are located outside the body.
It’s a Lot Like a Pen*s
Yeah, there’s the whole “men are from Mars, women are from Venus” camp, but in reality, men and women are a lot more alike than most of us realize. Or, at least we start out that way. In fact, all babies, upon conception, have the exact same genital tissue. At about 12 weeks, each baby’s genitalia begin to differentiate into a penis or labia. So, in a sense, the clit*ris and pen*s are the same materials put together in a different way. The clitoris has a glans, a foreskin (also known as the hood), erectile tissue and a teeny-tiny shaft. It even swells when it’s aroused! Good thing it’s mostly hidden—it saves the ladies from having to measure and compare with their friends …
It Grows
The clit*ris actually grows during a woman’s lifetime. No, it isn’t getting stretched out from too much s*xy fun. The growth occurs as a result of hormonal changes in the body. When a girl’s puberty begins, the clitoris will start increasing in size. By the time puberty ends, the clitoris will be about 1.8 times larger. By the time a woman is 32 years old, the clitoris will be almost four times as big as it was at the onset of puberty. It doesn’t end there. After menopause, the clitoris will be about seven times larger than it was at birth. Don’t freak out:  this is still a very small area, so the change in size won’t be very noticeable. And hey, it might help to explain why older women often report such hot s*x.
It’s Only There for the S*x
A woman’s body includes a number of super-hot erogenous zones, but you might say many of those are sort of, well, incidental. Not the clit. It’s there for fun. Yup, that’s right. The clitoris is the only part of the body designed solely for pleasure. So, while other body parts used for sexual pleasure have at least one other purpose to them, your clit is just there to get you off.
Every Female Has One
Birds do it. Bees do it. OK, maybe not bees, but every female mammal has a clitoris. However, we humans are one of the few species that has evolved to actually use the clitoris for s*xual pleasure. That doesn’t mean female mammals cannot orgasm—many other mammals experience s*xual pleasure just as we do.
V*ginal orgasms do exist, but they’re tricky for a lot of women to achieve, and only 30 percent of women are able to reach orgasm through penetration alone. (Sadly, Marie Bonaparte was not one of them.) The rest require direct clitoral stimulation. Rubbing, licking, sucking or s*x toys will all do the trick, although each clitoris has its own preferences.
Some Women Won’t Leave It Alone
Women don’t talk about it, but some of them go under the knife to alter their clitorises. There’s clitoral unhooding, a procedure in which excess tissue in the hood is removed to heighten sensitivity. The size of the clitoris can also be reduced or enlarged. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, more than 2,140 U.S. women underwent “v*ginal rejuvenation” surgery in 2012. However, while some surgery can be used to correct problems that cause women pain and discomfort, most experts don’t recommend going under the knife for any other reason. You may go in to improve your s*x life and emerge with scarring or an infection that could mean no s*x life at all.
They’re All Different
Some are small, some are big, some are hidden and some protrude rather a lot. Some increase in size when aroused, and others hide under the hood. Some require a lot of pressure, others prefer a very gentle touch. Each little love bud is as unique as the woman attached to it. That’s important, too, because getting to know how it works and how to use it to produce pleasure is just a part of getting to know yourself, or your lover.

Hygienic Kissing …

April 04, 2018
Did you know there are more wedding proposals and weddings that occur on Valentine’s day? Valentine’s day always conjures up love romance and kisses in my mind. But are you ready to kiss? Have you taken the steps to make yourself more kissable?

Some Tips if you anticipate a kiss is to occur:

An absolute must is to have good breath. This can easily be accomplished by regular i.e. Daily brushing and yes flossing. These habits remove food particles that rot in your mouth causing bad odors. We already have bacteria in our mouth but when they overpopulate in our mouth, odors occur and can be difficult to control. That is why regular visits to your dentist is so vital to decrease the bacterial population. Remember bacteria in your mouth is easily transferred to your kissing partner.
Rotary toothbrushes like the Sonicare or Oral-B Braun are so incredibly effective in plaque control. They also make you aware of areas not properly cleansed as well as reoccurring  build up. These brushes also have built in timers to keep you brushing for two minutes. But remember you must replace the brush heads every 2 to 3 months for best results.
Oral rinses can be helpful also such as the ones containing dioxychlloral hydrate which is particularly effective in removing the sulfa odors. Stay away from rinses that contain alcohol because they can burn your mouth as well as dry it out or cause tissues to slough off, not very attractive. Dry mouths can actually be more odorous than moist mouths. Remember not everyone likes the flavors that some of these very strong mouthwashes impart.
Don’t forgot to clean your tongue as well. Brushing your tongue is good but using a tongue scrapper is more effective in removing the bacteria. Think of the taste buds on your tongue as shag carpet hard to get in all the nooks and crannies. Regular use of a tongue scrapper will also keep the color of your tongue nice and pink.
Smoking.  Don’t! Need I say more? You’ve had the smoking lectures. If you won’t quit for yourself quit for your kissing partner. They will thank you for your better kisses and your better health.
Avoid strong foods like raw onions or heavy garlic. Even if you think you might not score a kiss avoid these foods you never know what might happen. Eating these foods might ensure you don’t get a second chance. And don’t think breathe mints will mask these odors. You will have minty onion breath which is just as bad or worse in some cases.
Chewing sugarless gum can be helpful if you don’t have access to a toothbrush. It can remove food particles such to your teeth and it will stimulate saliva which will buffer the odors and kill bacteria. Just remember don’t kiss with the gum still in your mouth!
The rest is up to you. Happy kissing!

5 Natural Drinks For Couples That Improve Stamina In Bed

April 04, 2018
Natural Drinks For Couples That Improve Stamina In Bed – Premature ejaculation is a health issue that affects virtually thousands of men worldwide, and it can be brought on by a number of reasons. Most often, the causes are a lack of confidence, insufficient physical activity and a diet full of added sugar and processed foods.
However, instead of treating this problem as its source like they should, most people choose to take the shorter path to increased virility and opt out for some sort of medication like Viagra or Cialis. And while these medications are a valid temporary solution and successfully alleviate the symptoms of premature ejaculation, they’re not something that should be used for extended periods of time. so here is a tip on how to Improve Stamina In Bed.
It’s a little-known fact that Viagra was originally used to treat heart problems in older individuals until someone noticed that it tended to exhibit a side effect that caused stronger and longer lasting erections. So if you don’t gobble down heart medication on a regular basis, you probably shouldn’t do the same with Viagra either.
You might be asking yourself what the alternative is. How can you remedy your PE without resorting to potentially harmful drugs? Fortunately, Mother Nature has you covered this time. There are plenty of food and drink options out there that can improve your s*xual virility, give you stronger erections and strengthen your libido, and today I want to talk about just some of them.

5 Natural Drinks

1. Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate is basically a superfood filled with all sorts of essential vitamins and minerals that your body requires on a regular basis, but I bet you didn’t know that the juice of a pomegranate can be extremely beneficial to your overall s*xual performance.
The reason behind this is rather simple; pomegranates are loaded with antioxidants, which do a lot of helpful things within your organism such as fighting free radicals (and therefore reducing the risk of cancer, among other things), but they also improve your overall blood flow. More blood flow leads to stronger erections, and you can probably figure out the rest yourself.

2. Beverages with Caffeine

Caffeine is generally not regarded as being particularly healthy, but I am a firm believer that it can be a great way to boost your libido if taken in moderation. Just like the antioxidants in pomegranate, caffeine is a strong stimulant of blood flow, which is great for your s*xual prowess for reasons I’ve already mentioned.
Caffeine can also give you that instant, a slight jolt of energy that could be just what you need to power through your next s*x session with your significant other. So remember, take it in moderation – a cup or two a day won’t hurt, won’t cause any nasty caffeine crashes and can indeed be beneficial to your performance in the bedroom!
Young couple having fun in a bed

3. Milk

A lot of people beat on milk these days and even claim that our bodies aren’t able to digest it properly, but this is mainly because lactose intolerance has been on the rise the last couple of years for reasons still unknown to science.
However, various studies have shown that milk is loaded with a lot of useful nutrients, vitamins and even protein that your body needs, and I personally find that drinking a single glass of milk in the morning is a great way to quickly get energized and prepare myself for the day.
The thing is, the more energy you have in general, the better it is for your libido and your s*xual performance. Not even a quick romp in the sack is successfully completed on an empty stomach, so a glass of milk before your next session might be just what you need.

4. Aloe Vera

For centuries aloe vera has been well known for its various healing properties, but a lesser known fact is that it can have a very positive influence on your libido and your general s*xual virility. A study conducted used three hundred people to test the effects of aloe vera on their s*xual desire, and returned phenomenal results.
The best way to use this herb for this particular purpose is to simply grab some aloe vera juice, which you can pick up as a dietary supplement either online or almost certainly at your local pharmacy.

5. Hot Chocolate

Chocolate contains a compound known as theobromine which is known to have a bolstering effect on an individual’s libido and enhance their sexual desire. Especially during winter time, a nice big cup of hot chocolate might be just what you need to re-ignite those sparks.
Just remember that packaged hot chocolate contains a lot of additional sugar, and too much sugar can outright kill your libido, so it’s best to make your own and take it in moderation.


As you can see, there’s no need to resort to any fancy medicine if you’re feeling a bit insecure in bed. With just a few alterations to your diet, you can achieve the same effects in the long term, and improve your general vitality at the same time. Stay healthy!

10 Quick Tips To Turn On Any Woman Instantly

April 04, 2018
While it‘s generally the notion that women are the weaker sex, and easily manipulated, it’s been proven beyond reasonable doubt that Turn On Any Woman can be as a hard as cracking a nut. If you desire to be a real woman charmer, then you MUST already have or make room for these quick tips which will put you in the league of the world’s greatest women charmers!
Quick note, women are built differently so what works for Stella, may not necessarily work for Jennifer, but with these tips, you are sure as heck going to be one irresistible gentleman (if you play your cards right). You know, getting a girl on s*x sites is quite different from getting one on the road.
10 things most girls crave for a guy
There’s no doubt chasing after a girl you like can be pretty worrisome, knowing it’s either a hit or a miss. But before you kill all your hopes you have of winning Cinderella over, you need to get your mindset in order and take her like a human that she is, and not a goddess. Next, you need to prepare yourself for her assessment. That’s where these quick tips should come in handy.
Your sense of dressing:  The saying how you are dressed is how you will be addressed is not limited to a few clichés. Girls/Ladies/Women love well-dressed guys. If your dressing resonates an aurora of $$, you wouldn’t need to do much talking before she gives you the Yes! The answer you desire.
·         Your confidence must radiate: You can’t just walk up to a lady all panicky and expect a Yes at the end of your shaky recital? Girls love confident guys who know their onions. You must be radiating confidence. The watchword of course is ‘Confidence’, not cockiness. Even if you are shy, you should try to suppress the ‘over excitedness’ which ignites the feeling.
·         Never-give-up guys: This, my friend is a huge determinant. Every girl loves to be pursued and wooed by a man. It makes her feel rather special and important, you know, like the demi-god she feels she is. Caress her egos; give her a good chase, even when she teases you. You’ll be surprised how deeply she’ll fall for you after the ‘hot pursuit’; I ain’t talking need for speed though.
·         Money talks: You probably must have heard this, but blatantly dismissed it right? Well, money talks. Little wonder there are sugar daddies all around? While not all girls are easily influenced by affluent men, a vast majority still do.
  How sweet: While girls love themselves, big masculine men, they won’t stick if you are all rigid. Girls are like kids, they love to be pampered. Sweet guys tend to have the best girls. You know the guy who’s got a soft side in him. Funny, haplessly romantic and sweet.
·         Alpha male:  A lot has been said about girls and power. Girls are naturally drawn to a leader (an alpha male). The alpha male is the leader of the pack, and often the guy who’s always in control of the situation. In high school, the Alpha male is always the school’s football team captain, and his girl is always the best cheerleader. In essence, if you want the best, you have got to be the best.
·         Be a chivalrous man: Women love gallant men. Become her knight in shining armor and watch her become your irreplaceable Princess.
·         The man with dreams: While there are girls who prefer already made men, some girls will stick to you even if you have nothing but dreamsIf you are driven and motivated to achieve your dreams, even if you are not currently standing upright financially, you will be surprised at the positive response you will get from some girls. 
·         Got ego?: We are not saying you should be your overly egoistic, on the contrary, be modest, but have self-respect. Don’t stoop so low as to be tossed around by other men or women.
·         Wit and charm: Cheerful guys are always a step higher in the hierarchy of women. Be one with a difference. Be that guy who’s cheerful and smart at the right time. You are not performing a stand-up comedy show, so you don’t need to be a clown to be witty; you just need to be sharp and clever.
If for some strange reasons you notice any signs of withdrawal or distancing herself via excuses, it’s best you pick your shoes and run as far as you can, because a woman who’s not turned on by all the listed attributes here definitely has her heart somewhere else, no need stressing yourself.

Your are suffering from Premature Ejaculation? This should help!

April 04, 2018
Premature ejaculation is a health disorder playing a key role in reducing the level of confidence in men. If no treatment is done in early stages, Premature ejaculation may negatively impact your marriage.Causes for the event of premature ejaculation can be either physical or psychological.
Depression, stress, high blood pressure, excessive consumption of alcohol and impotence problems are some of the common causes for the formation of early male climax. Today, some medicines can be obtained to be able to cure early ejaculations. Intake of these drugs assists with slowing down the reaction during s*xual intercourse thereby boosting lovemaking experience. Now, let’s see some of the treatments suggested to cure early ejaculation for enjoying your married life.
Young couple having fun in a bed
Ginseng is one among the commonly recommended cures for loss of ejaculation control to be able to last longer in bed. Patients with premature ejaculation are advised to intake ginseng twice daily with warm goat’s dairy. This perennial plant has been used for hundreds of years for treating problems related to reproductive organs.
Improving strength and stamina, reviving body and reducing the effect of anxiety, stress, and tension are a couple of the highlighting features of ginseng herb. Ginseng extract behaves as a perfect nutritive tonic increasing energy and strength of body. Drinking kernel milk is another advised cure for premature ejaculations to please any woman. It is a good nutritive drink for boosting the energy levels
Intake of normal water mixed with green red onion seeds is a best-recommended cure for premature ejaculation to last a bit longer in bed. Patients are advised to sip this medicinal water before every meal. Onion provides a natural aphrodisiac agent boosting the strength and stamina of your body.
Having a healthy balanced diet is another natural solution for curing early ejaculation. Addition of more concentration of food items like shellfish, ginger, lettuce, and seafood can be useful for better functioning of reproductive organs. Garlic is another treat suggested for the treatment of early on ejaculation. Chewing 2-3 cloves of raw garlic work as a perfect health supplement stopping the risk of premature ejaculation.
Intake of asparagus root extract with warm milk is a popular cure suggested for curing early ejaculation to last longer in bed. Asparagus, well known as Shatavari is a powerful natural and organic cure used for the preparation of ayurvedic drugs. It also helps in lowering cholesterol level, minimizing stress, anxiety and depressive disorder.
Practicing kegel workout is a best suggested get rid of for early ejaculation to please any woman. Patients are advised to do these exercises at least thirty minutes a day for obtaining good results. Intake of warm milk added to root powder of woman’s finger is another helpful measure for semen seepage.
The inclusion of carrot, oranges, fennel, and onion in diet boosts the working of reproductive organs. Training yoga exercises and keeping away from smoking and intake of alcohol are other early ejaculation cures to last a bit longer in bed.

Nipping Stretch Marks in The Bud

April 04, 2018
Most women suffer from stretch marks usually after pregnancy, but that’s not the only cause for it. Men too have stretch marks and so do women who are not pregnant. Stretch marks occur due to a sudden weight gain or weight loss.There are various natural products that can help reduce stretch marks and lighten them if not make them disappear completely. However, it requires a regular skin care programme and strict discipline.
Here are a few effective home remedies to reduce stretch marks –
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a plant that helps regenerate skin tissue and as such it has miraculous healing properties. Take the fresh gel from the leaf and massage onto the area with stretch marks and leave on for 20-30 minutes. Do it daily and wash off with tepid water.
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aloe vera
2. Cocoa Butter
The use of cocoa butter helps reduce stretch marks and I have seen that if used during and after pregnancy it makes the stretch marks disappear completely. The best time to use cocoa butter is at night, so massage it well into the skin and over a period of time you will find the stretch marks reducing and fading away.
3. Cucumber and Lemon Juice
Lemon juice’s natural acidity helps heal and reduce scars and cucumber juice provides the cool soothing effect leaving your skin fresh.
Mix lime juice and cucumber juice in equal parts, and apply the mixture on the affected areas till it gets soaked up by the skin. Let it be on your skin for approx. 10 minutes after which you can rinse it off using warm water.
4. Almond and Coconut Oil
Use almond and coconut oil in equal quantities to reduce stretch marks. Massage it on the skin regularly.
5. Apricot Mask and Oil
Apricots have great exfoliating tendencies, which make them very effective when it comes to healing stretch marks. Take 2-3 apricots, cut them and take out the seeds. Crush the fruit into a paste and apply this mask on the stretch mark affected areas and leave it on for 15 minutes. Using warm water, wash it off and then repeat the process every day for a month to see results.
Pure apricot oil has skin rejuvenating properties and therefore helps in reducing stretch marks. Massage onto the skin with some lemon juice for effective results.
6. Castor Oil
Because of their dried, shrivelled up look, stretch marks need nourishment and moisture. Castor oil when massaged onto the skin will help heal and smoothen the marks slowly. But this is something that you need to constantly feed the skin with.
castor oil
7. Nourishing Skin Mask
There are effective and incredible effect of the following nourishing mask in reducing stretch marks –
2 egg yolks, beaten
Juice of one lemon2tsp oatmeal
2tsp almond paste
Enough milk to mix to a smooth paste
Method: Mix all the ingredients well and apply on the marks and let it dry completely. Wash off with cold water while scrubbing gently. This should be done on alternate days.
face pack
As you may have noticed while reading through my article, treating stretch marks the natural way is not an overnight miracle. It will require your time and patience but the results will be fruitful. So now that you have some easy and useful home remedies to deal with stubborn stretch marks, start right away.

Natural Ways To Combat Backaches

April 04, 2018
Painkillers, as we know, aren’t the best possible solution in the long run but what can one do in case of extreme situations. Here is Ways To Fight Against Backache & Treatment needs to be holistic and something that provides a life-long solution. Hence resorting to certain simpler home techniques gives you that permanent relief naturally. So, in the case of a backache, adopt the following six ways for alleviating and relieving your pain.
  1.  Yoga
Yoga definitely helps in finding the required support from within. It teaches us to move with the flow and is an excellent way for relieving and preventing back related pains.
Just use your breath and stick with it while practicing yoga. Start slow and glide in steadily as there’s no need to rush. Move with ease and mindfully. You can always search for poses like downward facing dog, pigeon pose, cat and cow pose and upward facing dog for performing on a regular basis at least once a day.
  1. Oil Massage
Soothing oil massages show a visible and much effective result. Start by massaging the area around your lower back and not directly on your spine. Give yourself a warm hug and ensure that AC and/ or fans are switched off!
Essential oils like basil, ginger, lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary and marjoram can be used to reduce inflammation and back pain. These can be diluted in some carrier oils like coconut, olive, sweet almond, jojoba and/ or castor. They are all emotionally calming and tension relieving oils.
      3. Foods that help and harm
There are some foods that effectively help you fight against back pain. These include ginger, olive oil, turmeric, red grapes, and thyme. Plus, cooking with some organic butter or coconut oil also helps. Increase your intake of fresh veggies, nuts, seeds, lentils, and beans.But cut down the consumption of sugary foods, coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks and refined carbohydrates. And moreover, stick to a nourishing and warm diet to let your Vata remain balanced.
  1. Stay hydrated
As our joints are partly made of water, any kind of chronic dehydration can start to cause pain & stiffness on your back. Hence drink at least 3L of water every day to stay hydrated and avoid tea/ coffee which again contributes to increase dehydration in the body. Drinking herbal teas help in relieving back pain.
  1. Vitamin C
One of the major roles of Vitamin C is to produce collagen in the body and also protect the cells from free radical damage. Lowering vitamin c levels contribute to increasing pain along with inflammation. For this, best sources are broccoli, kale, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, peppers, and berries.
  1. Bring down those extra kilos
One main reason for back pain to aggravate is the sheer pressure on the vertebrae because of being overweight. Try and lose those kilos to stay on the ideal weight scale. Plus exercising would again help you to reduce the pain. Switch over to healthier diets and take care of yourself.
To summarize, eat healthily and do not forget your dose of vitamins & minerals. Avoid all extreme climatic conditions along with keeping your mind clear to avoid that stress. Because giving yourself the care and rest you need is essential for a healthier and fit you!
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